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Tips & Simple Life Hacks

Knowing the answers to three questions will change your life

Life Hacks

Until we go to sleep every night, we do all the work until we go to sleep at night. How many plans are in the future, but it is of course to all of us. And we all are addicted to one thing and that is "success" Again, 80% of the world's people "plan to achieve success" are left in the dream or in the face of who are they? Where is the purpose of life or the destination of life, without any idea, without any idea, night and night dreams are seen. At the beginning of life, we need to know the answers to some of these questions, which will help us to move forward in a few more days. Many people think that the role of these questions after achieving success in life. Good! But do not let us know the answers to the questions in our lives so much so.

Who are you and your price?

Not only should we know that we should not, it is our responsibility. When a man does not know about himself, what will he know about the world? Learning starts by learning from yourself. And whenever a person starts to know about himself, he begins to understand his own importance. None of us are insignificant in this world. She drives the wheel, and she also returns to a family, where she's father, son, husband or brother. Therefore, you have to learn to pay your own price. And that is the beginning of the education itself by knowing yourself.

Manishi Gautam Buddha said,
"You yourself, as much as anybody in the whole universe, deserve your love and affection"

Is not that really? If I can not love me, why would anyone else live? When a man, whatever profession or position of the society, can love himself, others start seeing him in reverence. There are many people who are well-established in society. But because of not being able to understand their worth, many of them have lost their lives in the life of many.

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If you do not understand who you are, what are your strengths and weaknesses, then how will you proceed in the beautiful times of life! It is a lot like a blind way, without knowing the path. Where the destination is and if you know what the weapon you have to reach there, success is assured.
So promise today, first of all, give importance to yourself. 'Man himself is right,' just like the proverb, his own individual will continue to be independent, on the way to fulfill his dream.

What is the purpose of your life

The pen is a little bit - but it has a purpose, as long as the ink is present, it will also be a writing tool. How do we survive without the purpose of living? After understanding the value of its value, what is the purpose of my precious life? Every day, I will wake up and start a day? Am I just coming to this wonderful world? There is no reason to think that everyone's answer is the same. Your answer will be different from any other person and this is normal. We are different, everyone's thoughts, views, and position in life are different. So, to find out what your work will be, what purpose will you move forward in life?

If Ralph Waldo Emerson speaks,

"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. "

Only you can tell what is true for you. So find out what you want to be from the depth of your heart? Which work gives you real happiness, motivates you to survive? It is expected that, of course, you will find the purpose of life to remember yourself to run in competition. If you really love the work that you are doing, then you will certainly feel at ease.

Do yourself own corporate gaming!

When we keep pace with the corporate world, we have to learn some techniques.

What is the destination of your life?

Suppose you are sitting in a railway station. There are all the tools you need to live with, you are a healthy and passionate man. You want to travel with all your energy capabilities. But you do not know which train to catch up, the train will take you to your destination. If you catch a wrong train you will be present in the wrong place. Since you do not know where to go, what else can you expect from the whole preparation except to sit in the station?

There is no such a destination in life, it is just like one thing. Self-evaluation, determining the objectives will fail all if there is no destination in your life. Even after having stumbling on everything in position

It is very important to speak English correctly in order to do good in English. Learn to pronounce !!

Antonio Machado said,
"Travelers, there is no path, paths are made by walking."

Yes, that's the truth. Everyone does not go to the same destination in life. Everyone made their own destination on the way. You have to know what that is? Successful people often say that long before success, they could see their success in the eyes. Because they had a clear idea about their own destination. Therefore, an essential part of successful life is to know its destination. There is no reason to think that success only comes to a straight road. The road to success is different. But the road must be a must.

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As Clayton M. Christensen says,
"There is a successful career. But there are plenty of indirect paths, too. "

Know what your path is from now on If you know that you are going ahead of any destination, then the confidence of conquering all possible disadvantages of that path will also be created within you.

Lastly, it's true that all of us have different life. As a person, everyone has the power potential. So the rules will be different for everyone, this is the rule. But, without knowing the answer, Nayayet Bokamy, moving forward in life. There is no great quality to know yourself. So from now on, want to be skilled in this work, find out the answers to the questions and go ahead and find the way to your choice.

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